Wednesday 9 January 2019

Year 2. Second Verse, Same As The First?

Well certainly the church establishment lived up to expectations!

Information coming in from other sources however has been indicative, though not definitive, still leads me to the strong belief that their are other people out there who have been significantly affected, if not significantly harmed by Abbot Cuthbert Brogan and the regime at Farnborough Abbey and have a pertinent if not condemning story to tell, should they ever choose to do so, which is up to them, up to a point. Anyone gaslighted in attempts by those, including victims protecting their abuser, to cover up abuse, have themselves been psychologically abused and may need to tell their story as part of their own healing. In such a case, the victim has themselves become an abuser, in fact many abusers were / are victims. We can and in my belief should have compassion for them whilst imploring them to seek help and remove themselves from theatres in which they cause harm and whilst they desist, keep holding a spotlight on them, that they may wake up and others may be forewarned.