Sunday 31 October 2021

All Survivors Day

 Yours truly, pictured on the day I entered as a Postulant, 17/09/1987.

All Survivors Day, November 3rd.

"An international day to recognize survivors of sexual abuse, bring their stories into the light, raise awareness of the widespread nature of the issue and organize for change in the culture that allows sexual abuse to continue."


Some might say that anyone joining today is naive, foolish or knows exactly what they're getting into but I implore you, dear reader, especially if you are or were a devout Catholic,  We have to try and put ourselves once again in the shoes of a trusting innocent aspiring to heroic virtue and would be champion of The Church believing others, especially Clerics are saintly role models in whose footsteps we wish to follow. The plethora of information online to the contrary does not avert ones gaze because it is Satan at work in those who did not persevere, grumbling and gossiping and fermenting dissent, disobedience and making false accusation!


And now here am I, among Satan's ranks..... or am I?

I'm sure, dear reader, that you will have your own views, but if you think rather, that I am a brave whistleblower, that either helped you avoid a similar fate or extricate yourself without having given 'The Benefit Of The Doubt' to those who do not deserve it and of whom there can be little doubt, thereby reducing your own trauma... or even just the comfort of knowing there is someone out there who suffered similar to you and knows something of your own struggles, then this blog becomes 'Purpose,' a way out of Perdition that I invite you too to journey with me. If you are a F'bro victim or any victim of sexual abuse, bullying and harrassment and wish to talk or share your story, be that for publication or not, please get in touch. Together and, for me at any rate, telling my story and finding camaraderie with others, old and new, I went from Victim to Survivor! There are still down moments, still one finds oneself reliving or wondering 'What If' but mostly now the 'Purpose' defines the present and future and not the 'Perdition' into which I was cast by the mutilation of my Soul at the hands of the perpetrator, Cuthbert Brogan and the system O.S.B. that facilitated him and STILL facilitates and PROMOTES him!