Independent Bishop Pat Buckley, contraversial campaigner against church corruption has died.
I first became aware of +Pat when trawling through the internet trying to find other articles that would lead me to others with experience of Cuthbert's abusive behaviour.
I commented a reply on +Pat's blog and he made almost immediate contact.
The result was, a week before the original blogpost here, this post appeared on +Pat's blog "Thinking Catholicism"
Some of us were initially more enthusiastic than others about seeing this as the beginning of the end to Cuthbert's misrule but as time went by it became painfully clear that generations of complainants have risen in protest and fallen through the attrition of indifference.
Sad to say that it felt too that +Pat was becoming indifferent.
I'm sure +Pat must have been in receipt of much information accurate and deceptive that left him unsure about me / us.
Perhaps to make it worse there were a few failed attempts at "Being Church" together.
The thought of possibly being Ordained coupled with knowing Pat and his friends less than I dare to say I feel I do now, against the contorted stressed and neurosis of my state left me sometimes both attracted and reticent.... I can only say that were I living locally and had met +Pat and his friends without the inevitable baggage, hopes and fears and over invested life long looking for a hero to worship and "Save" me.... (To paraphrase the song "You Gotta Search For The Hero Inside Yourself!") I like to think we would have been friends.
It is sad to see both his blogs, the result of doubtless many hours of work, tears shed alone and with victim / survivors being removed from the internet.
Thankfully there are archives like The Way Back Machine
Here are two newspaper articles that help us to get a glimpse of the real Pat Buckley.
2. Belfast Live
In the second Pat refers to his legacy in which he hopes people will continue his campaigning and offering a listening ear to victim / survivors and those in trouble.
In my small attempt to that end, here is a link to a facebook group that to my complete amazement has really taken off and we're honoured and priveliged to share in peoples lives, their spiritual lives and their struggles, bearing each others burdens in mutual support. We'd welcome you to join us!
Saints of God, come to his aid!
Hasten to meet him, angels of the Lord!
May Christ, who called you, take you to Himself;
may angels lead you to the bosom of Abraham!
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord,
and let perpetual light shine upon him!
May He Rest In Peace.
1952 - 2024