Tuesday 28 May 2024

Trailing Clouds Of Glory


My response to a recent inquiry as to my well being...

"Ok thanks. I felt sad on Sunday evening because a young monk, Dom Augustine, was solemnly professed at F'bro Abbey. I wish him well and pray for him of course though wonder how someone formed under the current administration could become a good monk, but all things are possible with God and maybe it will be this younger generation that will turn things around? We can but hope and pray!

I was sad because he looks like myself and my confreres who never got to even see if we might have even approached Solemn Profession thanks to the activities of Cuthbert and others.
That sadness didn't last too long. Monday I was off on my road racing cycle and a facebook group for former monks / sisters and ex ministry priests that I'm an admin for has really taken off so much so that we are forming national sub facebook groups in order to try and facilitate real meet ups for facilitating the expressed need  for fellowship or at least some video conference calls perhaps to begin with."

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