Saturday 21 January 2023

Year 6 Scouting For Monks!


Ugh.... No! (Well at least Scouts camping in the Abbey grounds seems to have stopped!?)

No, I'm referring to Abbot Cuthbert on the look out for new recruits?

With many at home now wise to "The Charade Behind The Facade," could he now have his eyes set even further east?

Slovaks and Poles seem to have wised up.

 But just like tobacco companies, might Abbot Cuthbert now be looking to the Far East to tout his toxic habit?


Let's hope his reputation has gone before him and that Far Eastern vocations and indeed anyone thinking of joining F'bro Abbey at this time, think again!


Abbot Cuthbert Brogan & Farnborough Abbey Can Seriously Damage Your Spiritual Health!



  1. What is your basis in this statement, "Abbot Cuthbert Brogan & Farnborough Abbey Can Seriously Damage Your Spiritual Health!?"

  2. Abbot Cuthbert is a child of God...but his behaviour is that of a bully, a groomer and a sex pest. On top of that he ridicules and mocks piety, saintly and religious images and one ex monk recalls him doing a comedy turn with the Holy Relic Of Saint Alban's thigh bone, full of sexual innuendo!...I think that's enough to qualify this basis....and I'm sure this list is not exhaustive!

  3. I came across Facebook that one Filipino was about to have his temporary vows in Farnborough, I think that was last 2019. But when I search again, that said Filipino is no longer a member of Farnborough. I think he left the abbey. Sad to say, they don't attract vocation.

    1. The status of the monk you mention, Dom Ambrose Tivi is unclear. He has been outside of the monastery studying. We thought he had left but he is still listed on this directory Recently on facebook the Abbot stated they currently have nine monks.

  4. I have a book by Dom Alcuin Reid entitled The Organic Development of the Liturgy. It says that he is a member of Farnborough Abbey, but when I sent a message to Dom Alcuin to confirm that whether he is really a member of that abbey, he said he transferred because the present abbot said he is too traditional. He is no longer a member of the Farnborough Abbey.

    1. We have titled Abbot Cuthbert "The Vicar Of Bray" after an Anglican clergyman in history who veered back and forth between anglo - catholicism and puritanism as was most politically expedient to his self preservation and ambition. Abbot Cuthbert, like other prelates, seek to serve The World in similar fashion. I do not want to pass judgement, lest I be subject to test and incur judgement on myself for Worldliness. Dom Alcuin Reid, however, and the Monks of Monastere Saint Benoit, follow in the footsteps of St Peter after Our Lord and after Our Lord restores him, heeding through Peter The Lord's command "Feed My Sheep!" Dom Alcuin and his monks suffer persecution and all kinds of calumny in following Our Lord and not The World. Dom Alcuin bravely refers to issues from the 1980's that his critics, (who seem so to ignore the more glaring, obvious, oft reported Torts and Delicts of others whose repetition and concerns thereof extends across to this day), often cite, in an interview with Rorate Caeli. I feel sure his critics must have scratched around until their fingernails fell off in trying to find more contemporary damaging material but clearly have failed, hence my admiration for Dom Alcuin and his steadfast perseverance in the face of such adversity.
      Vicar Of Bray:

      Rorate Caeli:

  5. There is a Youtube video of St. Michael's Abbey Farnborough "Monastery 1963" and allow me to quote what the video says "just 16 in number..." This

    That was 1963 where they had 16. But last 2014 during the Vespers video of Dom Cuthbert Brogan, there were 3 of them. And Wikipedia says "a thriving monastery." How can that be thriving when there is a sudden decline of their vocation. That abbey is near to extinction.
