Sunday 12 February 2023

And I passed by, and behold, he was not. And I sought him, and his place was not found. Ps 37:36

 Notwithstanding the terrible loss to all of mankind but especially to Buddhists, I've often wondered if the "Space" left by the statue destruction at Bamiyan is perhaps very Buddhist! You know, you've heard the saying about The Buddha on the road etc prompting us not to form Ultimate Reality / God to our own image!



Would relocating the tombs of The Imperial Family second empire to France cease Farnborough Abbey's purpose? Well, in theory it need not. A Benedictine Abbey's purpose is to praise God through The Liturgy and to welcome visitors as Christ and embracing the evangelical counsels along with stability to the fulfillment of this holy purpose. I'm quite sure that an orthodox and dedicated Catholic family man living on a council estate and active in his church and wider community, probably practices more stability, more obedience to God, more chastity and knows material poverty, (now more than ever in this current age thanks to Oligarchy greed and lust for power!) than does Abbot Cuthbert Brogan and many like him!

(This old photo is very symbolic to me of the current regime "Hospitality" and "Honesty"! - and likewise the response most whistleblowers get from the institutional church!)


But what of practicalities and might these actually in an unforeseen way , achieve our Holy Purpose?

The Empress objects endowing F'bro Abbey, were to pray for the Souls of The Imperial Family. Every other charitable object created through that trust endowment stems from that, does it not? So if The Imperial Family are removed from F'bro, the trust objects have been fulfilled and the trust should be wound up, realising the best possible financial return on it's assets and then transferring them to a Charity of similar purpose, the most fitting of which would be the creation of a new trust of similar purpose where the tombs would then rest.

That would leave the F'bro community either raising the money to buy the Abbey on the open market (Is there enough Fernham money left!!?) or leaving.

Now it's my wish that Farnborough Abbey be always sensitively purposed, ideally as a genuine holy and orthodox Benedictine Monastery, but most importantly that no more sincere Souls be deceived and risk being spiritually destroyed by the current charade and to that end would be better it become a wedding venue TOUT DE SUITE!

Saint-Augustin church in Paris, where it is hoped by those calling for the repatriation, that the mortal remains Imperial Family Second Empire, will rest.

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